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Weekly discussion videos will publish below every Sunday after church. You can also watch these discussion videos on Facebook or YouTube, or listen to the audio on this iTunes podcast.
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Week 1 – 1/17 | Introduction — Chapter 2
Questions for Discussion:
If you could change one aspect of your relationship with God, what would it be?
What comes to mind when you hear the name of Jesus?
Chapter 1 | "His Very Heart"
Questions for Discussion:
What burdens are weighing your life down right now?
What is your natural instinct about who Jesus is? Why?
If a non-Christian asked about Jesus, how would you describe his gentle and lowly character?
Chapter 2 | "His Heart in Action"
Questions for Discussion:
How have you experienced Jesus' compassion in your own life?
How does the way Jesus moves towards those who are sinful, suffering and broken differ from the way we often naturally respond?
What is a proper response for us to make as we see Christ's compassion on display?
Week 2 - 1/24 | Chapter 3 & 4
Chapter 3 | "The Happiness of Christ"
Questions for Discussion:
Does the truth of this chapter give us an excuse to sin? Why or why not (cite Scripture)?
What does our coming to Jesus for forgiveness and mercy provoke in him?
What is the significance of Christ sitting at the right-hand of God?
What do you need to bring to Christ?
Chapter 4 | "Able to Sympathize"
Questions for Discussion:
How would you describe Christ’s ability to sympathize?
Why does it matter that Christ remained sinless?
How has Christ been tested or tempted similar to you? Can you cite examples from the Bible?
Week 3 – 1/31 | Chapter 5 & 6
Chapter 5 | “He can deal Gently”
Questions for Discussion:
How does Hebrews 5:2 flow from what is learned in Hebrews 4:15 (the previous chapter)?
What does it mean that Christ deals gently with people?
Who is ignorant and wayward? Are you sometimes this way? How?
Chapter 6 | “I will never cast out”
Questions for Discussion:
What are some points of theology you learn from these verses? Does a particular point resonate with you?
What do you learn from the John Bunyan quotes in this chapter?
What objections can you raise about deserving Christ’s assurance? Why can you be certain that he will not cast you out?
Week 4 – 2/7 | Chapter 7 & 8
Chapter 7 | “What Our Sins Evoke”
Questions for Discussion:
1. What does it mean to feel the weight of our sin?
2. What is God’s response to sin? Answer completely with Scripture.
3. Answer the author’s question: What are we given when we are given Christ?
4. What level of trust do you have in Christ’s willingness to forgive sin? Do you have any sin to confess?
Chapter 8 | “To the Uttermost”
Questions for Discussion:
1. How is intercession defined?
2. Is the doctrine of intercession neglected today? Why or why not?
3. What is the relationship between intercession, justification, and atonement?
4. How do you need Christ’s intercession for you in this moment?
Week 5 – 2/14 | Chapter 9 & 10
Chapter 9 | “An Advocate”
Questions for Discussion:
1. What is the difference between an intercessor and an advocate? Why is Christ’s role as both important?
2. What does an advocate do?
3. What is the significance of the word ‘propitiation’?
4. Why do you need an advocate? How does Christ’s advocacy impact your life?
Chapter 10 | “The Beauty of the Heart of Christ”
Questions for Discussion:
1. What does Christ’s heart reveal?
2. What does Christ’s heart indicate for Christians?
3. How can you live in this reality?
4. Ponder Christ’s heart. How does Christ respond to your heart? How do you respond to Him?
Week 6 – 2/21 | Chapter 11 & 12
Chapter 11 | "The Emotional Life of Christ"
Questions for Discussion:
1. How is Christ both human and divine? What does this mean for how he expresses emotions?
2. What is the significance of emotions being impacted by the fall?
3. Cite examples of Christ’s emotions. What is their relationship? (Hint: they are perfect).
4. How do Christ’s emotions impact His relationship with you and your trust of Him?
Chapter 12 | "A Tender Friend"
Questions for Discussion:
1. As a friend of sinners, did Jesus approve of sin?Why or why not? Cite Scripture
2. Define friendship. What does friendship with Christ look like?
3. What role does mutuality play in friendship with Christ?
4. Consider that Christ does not refuse your presence. If this is true what do you want to share right now?
Week 7 – 2/28
Chapter 13 | “Why the Spirit?”
Questions for Discussion:
1. What is the role and work of the Holy Spirit?
2. Read John Chapters 14-16. Why did the Spirit need to come?
3. How does the Holy Spirit connect you to Christ?
4. Describe the Holy Spirit’s work in your life. How do you know the Spirit is at work in you?
Chapter 14 | “Father of Mercies”
Questions for Discussion:
1. How does God’s love work with His judgment? (See chapter 11 if needed).
2. What is mercy? How does it compare with grace?
3. How is God’s mercy relevant today?
4. Describe a time when you deserved judgment but received God’s mercy instead.
Week 8 – 3/7 | Chapters 15 & 16
Chapter 15 | “His ‘Natural’ Work and His ‘Strange’ Work”
Questions for Discussion:
1. Why is God’s sovereignty important? What are some key principles of God’s sovereignty?
2. How are God’s attributes perfectly balanced?
3. How is God perfectly just? What confidence does this give you?
4. What is your reaction when caught by surprise? Is God surprised? What does this mean for trusting Him?
Chapter 16 | “The Lord, the Lord”
Questions for Discussion:
1. What other verses answer the question ‘Who is God?’
2. How is Christ the revelation of God’s character?
3. What does it mean that God is provoked to anger, but not to love?
4. Consider question 3. What is the significance of this in your life?
Week 9 – 3/14 | Chapters 17 & 18
Chapter 17 | “His Ways Are Not Our Ways”
Questions for Discussion:
1. Explain the concepts: People are made in God’s image. People make God in their image.
2. Consider the author’s statement that people diminish the heart of God’s pardon. Do you agree with that statement? Why?
3. How should you understand, “God’s ways are not our ways?”
4. Assess your relationship with God. Are you wandering? Do you need to return to Him? What needs to change?
Chapter 18 | “Yearning Bowels”
Questions for Discussion:
1. What is the significance of God’s yearning?
2. How is God’s compassion and mercy manifested towards us?
3. What does it mean to receive God’s mercy?
4. What do you need to repent of? How can you receive God’s mercy?
Week 10 – 3/21 | Chapters 19-21
Chapter 19 | “Rich in Mercy”
Questions for Discussion
1. Why is it significant that God is both loving and merciful?
2. What is a person’s natural inclination? What does it mean to be dead in sin?
3. What evidences of God’s mercy exist in life? Meditate on this.
4. Based on this chapter, how can you have confidence in God? Are there specific circumstances you need to trust in Him?
Chapter 20 | “Our Law-ish Hearts, His Lavish Heart”
Questions for Discussion:
1. Why would our hearts need to be aligned to Christ? How?
2. How do our works ‘minimize’ the gospel and Christ’s work?
3. How does the gospel define who you are?
4. Examine your life deeply. Who/what are you trusting? Works or Christ?
Chapter 21 | “He Loved Us Then; He’ll Love Us Now”
Questions for Discussion:
1. Ortlund asserts our moment-by-moment relationship reveals our theology. What does your relationship with God reveal about your theology? Is it weak/strong?
2. How do believers respond to sin? How should they respond to sin?
3. What is justification? How has God provided for your justification?
4. What’s your mess right now? How does God sustain you during that mess?
This Week's Videos
Week 11 – 3/28 | Chapter 22, 23, & Epilogue
Chapter 22 | “To the End”
Questions for Discussion:
1. Think about Christ’s ministry. What did he endure during that time?
2. Read Psalm 22:1. Why are these words so profound? How was Christ forsaken?
3. What does it mean that Christ loved until His own end?
4. What did Christ endure for you? In light of this, honestly assess your relationship with Him.
Chapter 23 | “Buried in His Heart Forevermore”
Questions for Discussion:
1. What does it mean to glorify God?
2. It’s worth asking again, is God’s grace an excuse to sin?
3. What do you look forward to most in eternity?
4. Reflect on the reading. How will you be received in heaven?