Suggestions for working on verses as a family:
Add a verse time into a daily routine like bedtime or meal times.
Sing the verse together (see below)
Quiz each other
Make up motions together
Ask questions about what the verse means
Write out symbols for each phrase
Write out the verse long-hand (possibly erase words to check memory)
Grace in Action Songs and Questions:
September 4 - Ephesians 2:8-9
What does grace mean? - Grace is unearned favor. God shows grace to us when he loves us and gives us everything we need to live.
What does it mean to be saved by grace? - Saved by grace means that though we could not earn God’s forgiveness or promises, he is willing to give them to us because he loves us.
September 11 - Romans 10:17
Why is faith important? - Having faith means trusting God and God promises to save all who trust him.
Where does faith come from? - Faith comes from hearing the Word of Christ. This Word is the message of the Bible that Jesus came to save sinners. You do not have to trust God blindly, but can trust because of what he already did for you in Jesus.
September 18 - Revelation 4:11
September 25 - Revelation 4:8b
October 2 - Deuteronomy 32:4
October 9 - Ephesians 2:4-5
October 16 - Psalm 90:2 (+Review Section on page 55)
October 23 - Psalm 119:160
October 30 - John 20:31
November 6 - 2 Timothy 2:15
November 13 - Romans 15:4
November 20 - Psalm 119:11